The Air Max 97 is a Nike running shoe designed by Christian Tresser. It was inspired by Japan’s high-speed Bullet Trains and features a mix of leather, foam, and full-length visible Air. The original “Silver Bullet” colorway releases again in the US on April 13th, 2017 for $160. R...
This Nike Air VaporMax 97 was the first colorway released. Debuting in March of 2018 in preparation for Air Max Day, they come in the coveted “Japan” colorway of black, volt, metallic silver and white. Featuring the upper of the classic Air Max 97 in black and silver with volt ...
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眼前的 Nike Air VaporMax 97 就回答了这个问题! 将Air Max 97 的鞋身嫁接在了 VaporMax 大底之上,黑灰色调辅以荧光绿的细节装饰,颇具视觉冲击力,也有丰富的层次氛围。 这款Nike Air VaporMax 97 “Japan” 将于 3 月 9 日正式发售,个性十足的新生代跑鞋,相信在街头也有不俗的回头率表现! 感谢您的关注和支...
因為是第一集,就用今年上半年度最具話題性的鞋款來當個起頭吧!這回鞋款的主角是 Nike Air Max 1/97 Sean Wotherspoon,這雙鞋由美國知名古著店鋪 Round Two 主理人之一 Sean Wotherspoon 所設計,其受到 NIKE 邀請參加 2017 年「Vote Forward」活動,將 Air Max 1 的大底
近日,笔者偶尔在Nike 日本官网发现了几款有趣的鞋子 —— 分别用 Air Max 1、Air Max 95 和 Air Max 97 为设计灵感,结合 Nike 的 Magista 和 Tiempo 系列足球战靴打造的室内足球战靴系列。虽然这几款战靴的鞋面部分为了维持功能性,依旧坚持使用了原款式的材质,但在关键的细节处,我们却可以看出几...
#新鞋推荐# Nike Air Max 1/97 适用了古着感极强的“灯芯绒”材质让人眼前一亮,本季Nike 也以它为灵感,带来一组Air Max“灯芯绒”系列。这组系列共有Air Max 97与Air Max 98两款,鞋款除了保持两款经典造型外,以充满糖果色的灯芯绒包裹鞋身,多彩的撞色设计令人眼前一亮,两款代表90年代的高科技运动鞋和...
Air Max 鞋类Air Max Dn8Air Max DnAir Max 1Air Max 90Air Max 95Air Max 97Air Max FuryosaAir Max PulseAir Max PlusVaporMaxAir Max Koko个结果筛选条件 人气热销 Nike Air Max Dn8 男子运动鞋 1 种颜色 ¥1,399 Nike Air Max Dn8 女子运动鞋 1 种颜色 ¥1,399 人气热销 Nike Air Max Dn...
Air Max 95, which will be available exclusively in Japan, boasts magazine print on the upper and incorporates a rubber strap, referencing the rubber band that holds the magazines located in convenience stores across Japan. The Air Max 97, with its transparent print that looks like a drop of ...
others. For those of us who can remember, it was in that year thatTom Brady, the NFL’s Benjamin Button, won his firstSuper Bowlagainst the then-St. Louis Rams. Similarly on the topic of sport, theFIFA World Cupfirst kicked off in Asia through a joint hosting by Japan and South ...