Nike Air Max 90 ——"Bacon"配色发售信息 2005年Nike与纽约的Dave's Quality Meat店铺合作推出的Air Max 90 “培根”配色将于今年Air Max Day回归! 2021.3.26 / CU1816-100 / $140
这款 Air Max 90 'Bacon' 以美味的培根为灵感,其别出心裁的配色博得一众球鞋爱好者的青睐。为迎接即将到来的 Air Max Day,该鞋款重现 2004 年推出的首发版本,鞋面采用对比撞色设计,并辅以深棕色压纹橡胶搭配点缀,以此呈现出培根在不同熟度下的色调变化;此外,随鞋附赠的备用多彩鞋带组合运用塑胶真空袋包装...
在Air Max 90诞生的30周年,传承相同基因的Air Max 2090 也宣布面世,既有革新亦有传承。我想借着这个机会,再回顾属于Air Max 90 一路上的经典故事,唤起大家的回忆。Nike Air Max 90 Infrared (1990) Nike Air Max 90 Python (2003) Nike Air Max 90 Escape II (2003) Nike Air Max 90 X DQM Bacon (2...
2004 年,纽约Dave’s Quality Meats食品店曾打造过一款酷似培根的 Air Max 90 跑鞋,一时间风靡全球。 此番美乐淘潮牌汇了解到,今年的NikeAir Max Day 到来之际,这双“Bacon”Air Max 90 也即将复刻回归,依旧围绕速冻肉食灵感展开,而棕/粉/红的配色方案也令人食指大动,鞋款及鞋带的真空包装也极为出彩。
迈入2020 年,也就意味着一年一度的 Air Max Day 就快要到来,按照前几年的惯例,Nike 将会借此机会带来一款久违的经典设计,而据情报账号 @py_rates 透露,今年即将回归的惊喜就是 DQM x Nike Air Max 90「Bacon」。这双鞋最早于 2005 年发布,来自于与纽约精品店 Dave’s Quality Meat 的合作,双方将店内肉铺...
This time, we learned that this year'sNikeWith the arrival of air max day, this pair of "Bacon" air max 90 is about to return. It is still based on the inspiration of frozen meat. The color scheme of Brown / Pink / red is also very exciting. The vacuum packaging of shoes and la...
Sometimes I can squeeze some bacon on it. SeaFox macrumors 68030 Jul 22, 2003 2,661 1,093 Somewhere Else Nov 13, 2010 #165 Full of Win said: Read between the lines people... Apple Consumer Electronics want you to upgrade and they will withhold features and give buggy software to ...
air fry, reheat, bake, broil, keep warm, dehydrate, fries, wings, bacon, pizza, seafood & vegetables. powerful 1700w electric oven with rapid hot air circulation the "turn food" reminder helps ensure that even cooking built-in viewing window & interior light opens in a new tab iadaptair...
style air fryers and 10 combination air fryer/toaster ovens with the same five dishes. In our most recent round of tests, previous winners went head-to-head with the new Typhur Dome using Food & Wine recipes formiso air fryer salmon with baby boy choyandbacon-wrapped air fryer pork ...
1666. 2013-100 09 Jul 13 Kevin Bacon, Diane Kruger, the Bacon Brothers 1667. 2013-101 10 Jul 13 Kevin Nealon, Michael B. Jordan, Karmin 1668. 2013-102 11 Jul 13 Jeff Bridges, Jeff Lewis, Capital Cities 1669. 2013-103 29 Jul 13 Neil Patrick Harris, Clayton Kershaw, Pepper 1670. 20...