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Size 36-45 Choose this option:#G87E Order Here: (don't care the jerseys pictures on link, we send the same as yupoo pictures) From European Union Countries customers,you can pay directly t...
2TenyearsbeforeAirJordans, Ilearnedtofly. It'slikethewaysomekidswalktoabasketballhoop(篮筐)withaballandthrowafewshots, hittingeachoneeasily. Asdouble-dutch(双绳跳)girls, wehadourownjump. Threeofusandacoupleofropes. Ithadtobeatleastthreegirls - twototurn, onetojump. Westartedturningniceandslow...
Air Jordan 1 Mid「New Love」复刻配色还原 10 年前的经典设计。 2007 年,Jordan Brand 推出了「Old Love, New Love」套装鞋款,分别以「Black Toe」的红 x 白 x 黑及黑 x 黄为 Air Jordan 1 Mid 鞋款作配色,...
In the 1990-1991 season, the Michael Jordan led the bulls to beat the bad kids. The Detroit pistons met the Losangeles Lakers, led by the "magician" Johnson of the West Bank, in the finals. They won the first four games in the first round, and Jordan won the championship. Jordan has...
kids wear clothes with his picture on them. Jerseys(球服)with his number 23 on the front, jackets with the Bulls on the back, and Air Jordan sports shoes all reflect the fame of this superstar. Michael Jordan has become the most famous attraction of the world’s favorite spectator sport....
2TenyearsbeforeAirJordans, Ilearnedtofly. It'slikethewaysomekidswalktoabasketballhoop(篮筐)withaballandthrowafewshots, hittingeachoneeasily. Asdouble-dutch(双绳跳)girls, wehadourownjump. Threeofusandacoupleofropes. Ithadtobeatleastthreegirls - twototurn, onetojump. Westartedturningniceand...
这款伯明翰男爵队配色的 Air Jordan 9 Retro "Barons" 是为了纪念乔丹身披 45 号球衣在男爵队打棒球的日子,采用白灰黑三色构成鞋身,而后跟处的数字则采用了在男爵对的 45 号,而不是常见的 23 号。 发售日期:4 月 5 日 相关信息: Air Jordan 9 "Barons" 实物曝光,将采用背号 45...