图片题注:Some artworks exhibited at the Air India office in Budapest(Hungary) in 1970.参考译文:1970年,一些艺术品在印度航空布达佩斯(匈牙利)办事处展出。图片来源:FOTO:FORTEPAN 3. 目的地(航点)| Destinations 主条目:印度航空航点 / Main article: List of Air India destinations As of April 2024, ...
If your ticket was issued after 25 May 2022, head to the manage booking section to request a refund. For a refund of tickets issued by the Air India city booking or airport office, kindly contact your nearest Air India reservation office. ...
Oversize baggage fee between India and the US Note: FBA: Free Baggage Allowance Baggage exceeding 203 cm/80 in can be carried as carry-on baggage if arrangements have been made with the carrier's local office before the journey. Televisions can be included as a part of FBA and ...
Find answers on how to book Air India flights, passenger information, group and corporate booking, fares, payment, changes to booking and much more.
They can fill this sheet when booking at the agent's or airline's office. MEDIF form completed by the attending doctor must be forwarded to Air India's medical services department for clearance. After receiving consent to travel from the medical department and the other participating carriers, ...
In the event of any misuse or abuse of Fly Prior service, Air India reserves the right to reject any claim, deny the offer or cancel the booking. These terms and conditions are in addition to and not in derogation to the terms and conditions as specified on Air India’s website www.a...
ABOUT US About Air India Newsroom Corporate Information Tenders Careers BOOK & MANAGE Search Flights Manage Booking Flight Schedule Cargo WHERE WE FLY Route Map Non-stop Flights Popular Flights Partner Airlines PREPARE TO TRAVEL Baggage Guidelines Airport Information First-time Travellers, ...
Bassinets can be requested for at the time of reservation, ticketing, or reconfirmation of the booking. Call Air India's reservations center, the nearest Air India office, or the travel agent to request a bassinet. The bassinet provided is 71 cm x 36 cm x 19 cm (L x B x H). The ...
In the event of any misuse or abuse of Fly Prior service, Air India reserves the right to reject any claim, deny the offer or cancel the booking. These terms and conditions are in addition to and not in derogation to the terms and conditions as specified on Air India’s website www.a...
Booking your pet on a connecting flight We allow pets on direct, transit, and connecting flights, provided the connecting flights are between Air India flights only (AI - AI) and not with other airlines. This applies to routes where pets are currently accepted. Charges applicable Standard exces...