Crimp Tool - Driver Philips Head Screw - - Heat Gun or butane torch - Torx Wrench Set Tips before you start:*** Deviate from these instructions at your own risk.*** Use Thread Locker (supplied with kit) on all fasteners (NOT Brass Fittings)*** All brass fittings must be installed ...
9. No plastic hose fittings. In-house R+D, manufacturing, and creative solutions give us a cost saving we pass along to the customer. Forethought in kit execution that comes with experience. Do you have an upgrade for my factory Power Chiller?
Splice an extra 8 inches of wire into the three wires leading to the existing horn. Using an 11 mm wrench, remove the stock horn casing. Using the bracket that came with the horn kit, attach one end the bracket to the bottom hole of the Harley-Davidson Horn Cover and the other to...