Air Fryer Corn on the Cob is an easy way to cook corn on the cob. Sweet and juicy, it's the perfect side dish for summer meals!
Corn on the cob is a summer staple that never goes out of style. Whether you’re grilling for a barbecue or just craving a quick, delicious side dish, corn on the cob always hits the spot. Lately my go-to method for making corn on the cob is using the air fryer. With this handy ...
Air Fryer Buttery Corn-on-the-Cob and other delicious recipes for air fryers can be found at
While I strongly recommend fresh corn on the cob, you can cook frozen corn in the air fryer. Let it thaw out completely and then try and squeeze out as much excess liquid as you can from it. I usually wrap it in paper towels and squeeze as much as possible. Also watch out for cook...
Prep the fresh corn on the cob by removing the husk and all the silk. Cut about ½ inch from the bottom of the corn. Place the corn on the cob into the air fryer. I was only cooking 2 this time, but I have cooked up to 5 at a time. Just make sure they aren't touching ...
Air fryer corn on the cob is a quick, easy and delicious way to roast fresh corn! Delicious, juicy and tender corn is just minutes away.
Fresh corn on the cob in the air fryer can be so time consuming, yet frozen corn in the air fryer takesJUST12 minutes to cook. How To Air Fry Corn On The Cob Cookingfrozen corn on the cob in the air fryeris one of theEASIEST EVERair fryer recipes. ...
These are the best air fryer recipes for quick and easy meals! Chicken, salmon, potatoes, bacon and more. Perfect for beginners!
Air Fryer Corn on the Cob is a simple, tasty air fryer side. Our quick & easy recipe tastes as good as grilled corn on the cob- maybe better!
Fresh ears of corn on the cob, shucked Canola, olive, or other neutral flavored oil Kosher salt Black pepper Butter, optional Air fryer Pastry brush How to Make Corn on the Cob in the Air Fryer If you have just a few minutes of time, you can make air fryer corn on the cob that ...