tacair assets and B-52 sorties but "not Royal Lao Air Force or Vietnamese National Air Force" units, was 316,880 tacair sorties in Steel Tiger and 84,416 in Barrel Roll. Dirty little Secret in the land of a Million Elephants: Barrel Roll and Lost War (21.) For more on AIMVAL-AC...
ALCC (redirected fromAirlift Control Center) AcronymDefinition ALCCAids Legal Council of Chicago(Chicago, IL) ALCCAirlift Control Center ALCCAnglo-Lutheran Catholic Church ALCCAbundant Life Christian Church ALCCArmy Learning Coordination Council ...
MAJCOM C2CIFs are identified by the appropriate MAJCOM acronym, WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COM AFI10-207 4 APRIL 2008 39 CY and sequence number. As an example, the first Air Force Space Command (AFSPC) C2CIF item for CY 2006 is coded AFSPC06-001, the second AFSPC06-002, and so on. 5.6....