Membership is open to anyone who has served honorably in the Army Air Corps MPs, Air Police, Security Police, or is now serving in the Security Forces career field--or that component of the Air National Guard, Air Force Reserves, IMAs, or DoD/DAF police officers. If you have served or...
Status and updates on the Air Force Security Forces Museum Moderators:johnprobst,lbullock,oplopl Re: SF Museum Status/Update byjohnprobst 10 years 5 months ago 2014 Seattle National Meeting & Golf Tournament3 topics Planning and highlights for the 2014 Seattle National Meeting ...
AFSFA Region/Chapter Links You are here: Home About Us Web Links Home News Old Guardmount Articles Corporate Sponsors/Partners Forum Store Country Store Online AFSFA Store Members Why an AFSFA Membership Benefits Member Documents Member Directory ...
air force Thesaurus Medical Legal Acronyms Encyclopedia Wikipedia Related to air force:navy,air force academy air force n. 1.The aviation branch of a country's armed forces, such as the US Air Force. 2.Seenumbered air force. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Editi...
The AIR FORCE SECURITY FORCES FOUNDATION (AFSFF) was established by the Air Force Security Forces Association (AFSFA) to provide assistance to Security Forces Members and their families when extraordinary circumstances have created a need not covered by existing Air Force aid programs. This may incl...
Defense Department,Department of Defense,DoD,United States Department of Defense,Defense- the federal department responsible for safeguarding national security of the United States; created in 1947 United States Air Force Academy,US Air Force Academy- a school for training men and women to become offi...
the Air Force Security Forces Directorate is currently working on how we deploy, including deployment models and training; we are evaluating what weapons we deploy and the full fielding of the joint light tactical vehicle; we are investing in training to ensure that Defenders are capable and ready...
As the Treasurer for the Billie Renfro Chapter of the AFSFA, I would like to welcome y’all to COWTOWN and the 39th Air Force Security Forces Association Annual Meeting in Fort Worth, Texas! I am so pleased to be able to share with you some great sites that all visitors to the city...
Mr. Rector was commissioned through the Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps program in 1985. He has held a variety of security force officer positions at the unit and headquarters level, to include three security forces squadron commands, command of a deployed Counter-Drug Ground-Based Radar...