Towards a passive adaptive planar foot with ground orientation and contact force sensing for legged robots. In 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems 2707–2714 (IEEE, 2018). Askari, M., Shin, W. D., Lenherr, D., Stewart, W. & Floreano, D. Avian-...
Measurements on reclaimer bottoms have indicated that mercury is present in the bottoms (Strazisar, Anderson et al. 2003). A recent study however indicates that a combined process of removing mercury and CO2 would not lead to significant reductions, i.e. below 15% (Cui, ...
With AirPrint, it’s easy to deliver photo and document printing in youriOS appsandmacOS appswithout the need to download or install drivers. AirPrint is built into most popular printer models and offers a complete set of features, including full-quality output, automatic media selection, and ...
Instead of hanging at the outlet of the needle as is usually observed for aqueous solutions, EPL1 crawls up along the needle (a and b) and only forms a hanging droplet when the gravitational force is strong enough to pull the droplet down (c). The shape of the needle is indicated in ...
The Arcane Order remained a force in central Cyre and in Thrane, though its support dropped significantly in Thrane following the depredations of Sarmondelaryx, the Year of Blood and Fire, and the rise of the Silver Flame. Today the Arcane Order maintains a single hall in Thrane, in the ...
If Newton had stood far awa1r,he might have thought, no, maybe the heavens are pushing the apple dor"'n. Heaven's force is actr-rally .pushing apples and other objects to the earths's surface, and is also pushing the earth itself, as well as aII o.her planets, around the sun in...
and the remainder of this Use License will continue in full force and effect. However, if applicable law prohibits or restricts Licensee from fully and specifically complying with the Section of this Use License entitled "Licensed Technology" or prevents the enforceability of that Section, this Use...
Therefore, when stretched in the circumferential direction by the internal pressure, the ply receives a large force. This has the effect of increasing the stiffness in the circumferential direction at the position of the inner airbag close to the bottom plate. The rebar force appears larger at ...
Gaussian Process Regression Model for Crop Biophysical Parameter Retrieval from Multi-Polarized C-Band SAR Data. Remote Sens. 2022, 14, 934. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Taki, M.; Rohani, A. Machine learning models for prediction the Higher Heating Value (HHV) of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW)...
The structure of the (JICF) is characterized by a complex three-dimensional vortex system especially in the tip clearance and shows in practical its ability to mix the leakage flow and to introduced, if we can say, a controlled jet force. Figure 18. Static entropy distribution at the mid ...