population that is eligible and qualified for military service, it plans to create a mentorship program focused on minority and female applicants to rated aircrew positions. That would prompt a new look at ROTC, Officer Training School, and the U.S. Air Force Academy to ensure min...
Typically a week to ten day long event, cadets are put into an intense, military-structured environment similar in certain respects to USAF Basic Military Training (BMT) for enlisted personnel, or the first few weeks of USAFA 4th class cadet training, college Air Force ROTC summer Field ...
Col (ret) Sally Uebelacker, has more than 13 years’ service at Sandia National Laboratories. She served as a Sandia Emergency Director and managed multiple security programs to include Information Security, Personnel Security, Contract Security Management, the Security Incident Management Program, ...
Taking a senior officer to the Air Force facility at O’Hare International, and being stepped to four different runways inside ten miles. Rolling out and turning off the active and getting a call from ground, something like, “Little fellow, just listen up and I’ll get you to the Guard...
1.3. Optional Wear of the Air Force Uniform. 1.3.1. During Travel. When traveling in an official capacity on commercial air, in CONUS (to include Alaska and Hawaii), the Service Dress uniform (Class A), Blue uniform (Class AFI 36-2903 18 JULY 2011 11 B), or Airman Battle Uniform (...
PURPOSE:The AFSFA Col Jerry M. and Dr. Lucille Y. Bullock Service Award (BSA) program is established to commemorate the Bullock’s 32 years of selfless dedication to the Air Force Security Forces Association, AFSFA members, Security Forces of the active duty, reserve and guard components, ...
After a third, equally unsuccessful approach, I headed for nearby Beltsville Agricultural Research Center’s airport, where the FBO from Suburban Airport had a trailer that served a a base for a contract to train Air Force ROTC students. ...
Col (ret) Sally Uebelacker, has more than 13 years’ service at Sandia National Laboratories. She served as a Sandia Emergency Director and managed multiple security programs to include Information Security, Personnel Security, Contract Security Management, the Security Incident Management Program, ...