Air Force pamphlet AFPC Air Force Personnel Center AFRES Air Force Reserves AFRICOM Africa Command AFROTC Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps AFSA Air Force Sergeants Association AFSC Air Force specialty code AFSO21 Air Force Smart Operations 21st Century AFSOC Air Force Special Operations Command...
After it got the ball back, Air Force tried a third quarterback, Jim Lee. The lefthander guided the Falcons to their only score of the day, though by that time both teams were playing multiple reserves. Having said that, Lee played well and made a fine throw under heavy pressure for th...
So, were the deliberate violations of Turkish controlled airspace by two Israeli long-range F-15's an accident, a flexing of muscles to ensure sovereignty over the newly found gas reserves; or were they a deliberate part of Israel's planning to attack Iran? Muscle flexing over Cyprus sparks...