Air Force had generally featured a short, controlled passing game during Martin’s time as head coach, and the 1976 season was no exception. However, there were indications that Martin was going to change things up for the game against The Citadel. According to theColorado Springs Gazette-Teleg...
Recruiting and training new Beluga pilots Since the BelugaST is unique to Airbus, there is no immediate ‘ready qualified’ source of pilots on the external job market. Consequently, pilots of other types commonly operated would need to be brought in and trained-up to be t...
when a massive storm of Force 7-8 suddenly blew up. ME HQ gave Stirling the opportunity to cancel the raid, facing Stirling and The Originals with a terrible dilemma: Cancel and the enemy within would kill off SAS before it had even begun; but jump into the storm, and the possibility w...
['recruiting', 'recruit', 'recruits'], 'future': ['future', 'potential', 'potentials'], 'venture': ['ventures', 'conglomerate', 'foray'], 'asleep': ['awake', 'sedated', 'asleep'], 'counselor': ['counsellor', 'counselor', 'counselors'], 'and': ['and', 'both', 'well'], ...
RecruitingandtrainingnewBelugapilots Since the BelugaST is unique to Airbus, there is no immediate ‘ready qualified’ source of pilots on the external job market. Consequently, pilots of other types commonly operated would need to be brought in and trained-up to be type-rated on the Be...