The article presents information about an updated version of "The U.S. Air Force Transformation Flight Plan (AFTFP)." It is a reporting document required by the Office of the Secretary of Defense's (OSD) Transformation Planni...
11 Air Force Doctrine Publication 3-52, Airspace Control CHAPTER 2: COMMAND AND CONTROL Airmen, in conjunction with joint and coalition partners, are responsible for planning and integrating the ACS in accordance with JFC guidance. The ACS should maximize the combat effectiveness of all forces, ...
April 19, 2024 The April 18, 2024 Air Force instruction "provides the requirements for directed-energy system safety certification and guidance for establishing a directed-energy safety program" and "explains the safety verification and certification process for new or modified directed-energy systems....
The Department of the Air Force strives to provide to qualified disabled Veteran applicants and employees affirmative employment in recruitment, hiring, placement, advancement, training, career development and, when appropriate, reasonable accommodation with a special emphasis on those veterans with disabilit...
Not long ago, a battalion of an air force ground guidance brigade and an aviation unit carried out air-ground confrontation exercises. Liu Wei, the commander of the battalion, was full of confidence despite the first confrontation with his opponent. In the face of new fighter planes and new ...
guidancefortheexerciseofauthoritybycombatantcommandersand otherjointforcecommanders(JFCs)andprescribesjointdoctrineforoperations, education,andtraining.ItprovidesmilitaryguidanceforusebytheArmedForcesin preparingtheirappropriateplans.Itisnottheintentofthispublicationtorestrictthe authorityoftheJFCfromorganizingtheforceand...
Most agricultural producers take efforts to conserve their soil resources and seek guidance when the federal government introduces a new conservation program. The enactment of theFood SecurityAct of 1985 ushered in voluntarystewardshippractices for private lands. Agricultural lawyers were called on to help...
can easily scale the scope of operations up or down in response to a change in political guidance or political strategic objectives. Third, concentration: compared to land and maritime power, air power’s speed and reach enable a commander to concentrate military power more responsively in time ...
and gaining experience at smaller and larger non-profits in building infrastructure; implementing strategic fundraising plans; providing board and volunteer management, grant-writing and management, and overall event management, Malinda began to be approached by various professionals seeking her guidance. Wh...
“The British Royal Air Force aims to integrate all combat systems, including air combat, air support and electronic warfare, and especially how to use them against the enemy’s land defense systems for maximum operational efficiency.” ‘Restoring Hope’; ‘operational efficiency’: the absurdist...