(ˈɛərˌdrɒp) v.-dropped, -drop•ping, n.v.t. 1.to drop (persons, equipment, etc.) by parachute from an aircraft in flight. n. 2.the act of airdropping. [1945–50] air′-drop`pa•ble,adj. Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictio...
Air Force marshals stage dogfight for top position, NATIONPRAKOBPONG PANAPOOL
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Daniel Švec Stíhací pilot, akrobatický král vzduchu první republiky, Battle of Britain pilot, dopravní a transportní pilot během války – jedn z prvních čs. letců, kteří překonal Atlantický oceán, poválečný šéfpilot ČSA. Tak by se stručně dal popsat...
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Prazeller, PeterBoehler, MichaelLirk, PhilippLindinger, WernerAmann, AntonAnesthesia & AnalgesiaRieder, J., Prazeller, P., Boehler, M., Lirk, P., Lindinger, W., Amann, A., 2001b. Online monitoring of air quality at the postanesthetic care unit by proton-transfer-reaction mass ...
(Spanish Air Force, Armilla Air Force Base, Armilla, Granada, Spain, Spain) www.patrullaaspa.defensa.gob.es www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patrulla_ASPA Pilots of the Purple Twilight (United Kingdom) www.pilotsofthepurpletwilight.com Rotores de Portugal ...
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What will be the main disruptive force in hospitality in the next five years? This open question leads to a wide array of different answers. Changes in distribution channels, with a hegemonic position for Google, is one of them. Consumer awareness, need for individualization and blurring are ch...
In the system of "Energy-Economy-Air quality", energy is the driving force of economic growth; meanwhile, energy consumption can lead to air quality deterioration and damage economic sustainable development. In their study of the three main ways by which economic growth affects the environment, ...