An aptitude test will be scheduled, and candidates must monitor the NAF Recruitment Portal for updates on dates and venues. Any false declarations or multiple applications will lead to disqualification. Contact and Support For any inquiries or support, applicants can contact the Nigerian Air Force th...
The Nigerian Air Force is one of the best and largest in Africa. It is the air arm of the Nigeria Armed Forces and provides air cover and support as well as air transport of military equipment for the Military in the country. Yearly, the recruitment of new men and women into the servic...
The Air Force recently selected 8,446 staff sergeants for promotion to technical sergeant. sends its congratulations to all who were promoted -- the complete selection list is below. Airmen will be able to access their score notices on the Virtual Military Personnel Flight, accessible...
Garrison/HQMaxwell Air Force Base Senior Members of theCivil Air Patrol(U.S. Air Force Auxiliary) in the rank ofMajorare also able to attend ACSC via "distance learning," an option often exercised by officers in the U.S. military services.[1][2] ...
9 Force Majeure No failure or omission by either party to carry out or observe any of its obligations shall give rise to any Claim against that party, if the same shall arise out of Force Majeure event. A Force Majeure event for the purposes of this clause means any cause not reasonably...
PORTAL is the grugq’s open source project which installs on Raspberry Pi and acts like a proxy forwarding all your traffic to TOR. Recently a hidden service was discovered on TOR which hacks the browser and phones home through the user’s non-TOR internet connection the actual IP address ...
Deputy Under Secretary of the Air Force, International Affairs. Division of the major areas of the security cooperation efforts of the Air Force; Types of information offered by the online portal which include security cooperation guidance; Access to the online portal.Hills...
{"id":"CaseCreatePage","type":"SALESFORCE_CASE_CREATION","urlPath":"/caseportal/create","__typename":"PageDescriptor"},"__typename":"PageResource"},{"lastUpdatedTime":1739347042380,"localOverride":null,"page":{"id":"TkbEditPage","type":"TKB","urlPath":"/kb/... RELEASABILITY:Therearenoreleasabilityrestrictionsonthispublication. OPR:AF/A2DF Supersedes:AFI14-125,30July2008 Certifiedby:AF/A2D (KennethKDumm,DISES-2) Pages:15 ThispublicationimplementsAirForcePolicyDirective(AFPD)14-1,IntelligenceSurveillance ...