Fliegender Ziegelstein (“Flying Brick”) – Germany“Kurnass” (Sledgehammer) – Israel“Orev” (Raven) – IsraelThe F-4 Crews also gained nicknames such as:Phantom Phlyer (Pilot)Phantom Pherrets (WSOs)Phantom Phixers (Mechanics) Next Aircraft Previous Project ...
As he dreamt of being a pilot, he immediately underwent the Civilian Pilot Training Program in 1941 and subsequently joined the Civil Air Patrol group under the United States Air Force. This would open up the opportunity for him to eventually join the Air Force, which he eventually did in ...
Famed Air Force fighter pilot and military strategist John Boyd enlisted in the Air Corps while still a junior in high school, to fight in Korea and to serve as a commander in the Vietnam War. His military strategies and the tactical maneuvers he proposed forever changed United States air co...
There is not much information on what women should do for Air Force basic training. This is a basic guide to how to survive basic training.
It was huge, it was ugly, and it went by nicknames like “The Beast,”“Razorback” and “The Jug.” The story of the P-47 Thunderbolt by Republic Aviation is really the story of its engine, the Pratt & Whitney, R-2800 18-cylinder radial engine. This is what made the Th...
Air Force Base (AFB), Arizona. Tactical intercepts are the task 'Laker One' - alias Luftwaffe exchange pilot Major Juergen Theil - has set for his students, and as 'Laker Two' and 'Three' try to keep up with the high demands of their instructor pilot (IP) they are watched by two ...
Hewonttellme.Whatswiththenicknames? 说嘛玛姬 Spill,Marge. 可以吗-说吧 Yeah?-Goahead. 好-都说了说来话长 Okay.-Toldyou,itsalongstory. 他们是在战前基础训练期间认识的 Well,theymetinbasictrainingbeforethewarstarted. 约翰从小的外号hearts;就是巴基 JohnwasalwaysBuckysincehewasakid. 对吧-没错对 Rig...
the whole damn Eighth Air Force is calling me Buck. So... 盖尔算哪门子名字啊 What kind of a name is Gale anyway? 知道吗 你该谢我 我帮了你个忙 You know what? You should actually be thanking me. I did you a favor. 谢你给我起了和你一样的名字 - 并不完全一样 ...
Hethinksmynicknameslazy? 如果我能重新选我根本不会当飞行员 Youknow,Ihadittodooveragain,Iwouldnteventrytobeapilot. 我会当通讯员 Idbearadioman. 只需想着频率即可 Nothingtothinkaboutbutthefrequency. 对了谢谢 Well,thanks,bytheway. 你先拿着吧它在你身边效果不错 Youholdontoitfornow.Itsworkingwellforyo...
the fall with the first steps to be enacted in 2021. Goals range from updating methods for training airmen to bureaucratic management; Brown said the Air Force is at a crossroads in which it must “accelerate change or lose” in a future war.Diversifying the pilot corpsis another primary ...