You can see how the Air Force’s education level has changed over time in the chart below. view Trend of education levels for enlisted Air Force members over the past 20+ years. The Y axis shows the percentage of the enlisted force that has that type of degree. Information from the AFPC...
CP Chief. When CPs are authorized a CP Chief IAW AFMS 135A, the CP Chief should be assigned/possess a special duty identifier, "86P" AFSC; however, other AFSCs are acceptable upon approval by the installation commander. Assign the appropriate officer grade IAW the AFMS as the CP Chief...
The Air Traffic Control Officer utilization field was surveyed to better understand the utilization of AFSC 1 3MX personnel, validate training requirements, empirically determine career progression of AFSC 13MX officers, determine career intentions of AFSC 1 3MX company grade officers, determine job ...
82d Training Wing has sustained combat capability: Global training to sustain warfighter capability. Sustaining the Combat Capability of America’s Air Force I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l l e n c e