the feature fusion section aimed to improve detection accuracy and reduce model complexity. Concurrently, the original CIoU loss function was replaced with the EIoU loss function to further augment the model’s accuracy. Experimental results demonstrate an enhancement in the accuracy of drone target det...
concerned with the critical assessment of individual studies. Risk of bias, refers to aspects of study design, conduct, or analysis that could give rise to systematic error in study results, and can be used synonymously with internal validity, which is the extent ...
if (test-path c:\hpinfo.txt){remove-item c:\hpinfo.txt -force}; gwmi Win32_OperatingSystem | select caption,version |fl | out-file \hpinfo.txt -force -append; (gwmi win32_bios).caption | out-file \hpinfo.txt -force -append; (gwmi ...
MS-30 Type Airless Spray Gun Usage Paint Spray Gun, Hopper Gun, Garden Gun Transport Package Carton Trademark GENTAI Origin Zhejiang, China (Mainland) Product Description MR-10 lightweight portable air purning shear nipper: Feature: ♦ This air nipper model is with aluminum die casting ...
Turck模块MS96-11EX0-R/24VDC Nr:5231407 bk8104 REXROTH连接器RLS1702CM75---(09P-ROUN-CON-M-N) R911339968 GAT型号M60EX2;39043552-11-01;20570028 buerklin电阻63E632, WID.RH10 12,5W 22R 301-351-132T Buehler液位计NS 25/25-AM-K7,5-SK661 / 1200 ...
The application of the recycle effect concept to solar air heaters has been confirmed with technical feasibility in double-pass [12] and multi-pass [13] operations, and the recycling double-pass design with eddy promotion [14,15] results in enhancement of the convective heat-transfer coefficient...
Identify MSgt, SMSgt and CMSgt positions for strategic leadership development of MSgt, SMSgt and CMSgt developmental assignment candidates. Monitor the overall health of the CP enlisted force and prepare recommendations to improve enlisted force retention, utilization and employment. ...
"MSgt." Master Sergeants in the U.S. Marine Corps provide technical leadership as occupational specialists at the E-8 level. General command leadership at this paygrade is provided by the separate rank of First Sergeant. the seventh enlisted rank in the United States Air Force, just above ...
一、杜彩云担任职务:杜彩云目前担任苏州玖豪服饰有限公司法定代表人,同时担任苏州玖豪服饰有限公司总经理,执行董事,苏州启迪服饰有限公司监事;二、杜彩云的商业合作伙伴:基于公开数据展示,杜彩云与杨艳、杨艳为商业合作伙伴。 老板履历 图文概览商业履历 任职全景图 投资、任职的关联公司 股权穿透图 挖掘深层股权结构 ...
Calidad del aire hoy-Chunky, MS, Estados Unidos 36 Bueno La calidad del aire se considera satisfactoria y la contaminación atmosférica representa un riesgo escaso o nulo. Contaminante principal: PM2.5 (Partículas en suspensión menores a 2,5 micrones) ...