MSAS Mcafee Security Alerting Service MSAS Microsoft Server Active Sync MSAS Multiple Shadow Address Space MSAS Mobility Support Advisory Squadron (US Air Force) MSAS Microsoft AntiSpyware MSAS Ministerio de Sanidad Y Asistencia Social (Venezuela) MSAS MTSAT Satellite-based Augmentation System (Japan) MSA...
MPF Mcafee Personal Firewall MPF Maritime Prepositioning Force MPF Maturation-Promoting Factor MPF Military Personnel Flight (USAF formerly CBPO) MPF Mitsubishi Polyester Film (Greer, SC) MPF Midwest Poultry Federation (est. 1971) MPF Maine Parent Federation MPF Merchandise Processing Fee (charged by ...
Uniloc is one of the most active patent trolls in the U.S., leveraging reassigned patents or vaguely worded original IP against a number of tech firms including Activision Blizzard, Aspyr, Electronic Arts, McAfee, Microsoft, Rackspace, Sega, Sony, Symantec and more. Uniloc AirDrop Patent Suitb...
Murder Suspect John McAfee: I'm Innocent — As Belizean police combed the property of expat antivirus pioneer John McAfee Sunday afternoon, McAfee was closer than they could have known. He'd seen them coming, and says he hid — burying himself in the sand with a cardboard box over his ...
License Zabbix public templates A place for community driven integrations with Zabbix This repository is dedicated to templates that are created and maintained by Zabbix community. How to use templates from this repository? How to Collaborate?