ACC,Air Combat Command- a command that is the primary provider of air combat weapon systems to the United States Air Force; operates fighter, bomber, reconnaissance, battle-management, and rescue aircraft AFSPC,Air Force Space Command- a command of the United States Air Force that is responsible...
Air Force Legal Operations Agency Air Force Claims Service Center (GSU) Air Force Audit Agency Acquisition, Logistics, and Financial Management Directorate (GSU) Field Activities Directorate Operating Location Wright-Patterson (GSU) Air Force Manpower Analysis Agency Operating Location Wright-Patter...
HAFHeadquarters Air Force HAFHitachi Accelerated Flash(flash storage) HAFHigh Abrasion Furnace(type of carbon black) HAFHigh Atlas Foundation(New York, NY) HAFHuachangfeng Equipment, Inc.(China) HAFHeartland Arts Fund(now Arts Midwest's Performing Arts Fund; various locations) ...
Don Christensen, a retired colonel and former chief prosecutor of the Air Force, noted that availability was likely the leading factor in who was tapped for further consideration to sit on the jury. “Every time you take an officer out of the job, that’s going to have...
US Air Force Attache Affairs Office US Air Force Deputy Chief of Staff for Manpower and Personnel US Air Force Enterprise Network US Air Force Special Investigations Academy US Air Forces, Readiness Command US Air Forces, US Atlantic Command US Air Forces, US Central Command US Air Forces, US...
MANPOWER UTILIZATIONACCOUNTINGAIR FORCEFINANCEMANPOWERPRODUCTIONPRODUCTIVITYAir Force Accounting and Finance Office (AFO) regional centralization is the consolidation of several collocated regional offices into one central office. Those AFOs which are reduced in size would remain open as satellite branches to...
How is Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition abbreviated? SAF/AQ stands for Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition. SAF/AQ is defined as Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition somewhat frequently.
作者: USGA Office 摘要: In May 2000, the Air Force initiated an assessment to test whether the force requirements derived from its manpower requirementsdetermination process were sufficient to support the spectrum of military operations envisioned in the defense strategy: from simultaneously fighting ...
Over the last decade, the Air Force has faced challenges that were not foreseen when the Cold War ended. A significant portion of the force has become engaged in contingency operations that have on occasion included fairly intensive combat operations. Added to this stress has been the necessity ...
Air Force Manpower, Personnel, and Training System. Volume II. Analysis of the Enlisted Authorization/Assignment and Manpower Requirements/Personnel Object... Air force planningPoliciesOperational effectivenessProductivityThis Note breaks the overall USAF manpower, personnel and training (MPT) system, docu...