网络释义 1. 空军少将 ... major of the air force : 空军少校 Air Force Major General: 空军少将 Air Force Major Commands : 空军一级司令部 ...|基于2个网页 例句 释义: 全部,空军少将 更多例句筛选 1. Air Force Major General Ma Jian also made reassurances that all of China...
MajorBowman? 上吧瑞德 Gogetem,Red. 这次行动是三点同时进行 Itsathree-punchcombo 德国鬼子只能防御一个点 andtheKrautswillonlybeabletodefendoneofthem. 所以计划的执行和时机至关重要 So,executionandtimingwillbeessential. 少校 Major? 为什么那条红线一直延伸到非洲 ...
Steve Ritchie, a Vietnam Air Force flying ace, will receive an award, as will Lt. Lori Melling, a Navy test pilot who is among a select group of women assigned to tactical fighter aircraft. Special awards will go to Bud Whalen for flight instruction; Allen Paulson, board chairman of Gulf...
WhiletheEighthAirForcewashittingtheGermansfrombasesinEngland, 第15航hearts;空hearts;队则从意大利对他们发起攻击 the15thAirForcewasstrikingatthemfrombasesinItaly. 第99追击中队参与其中 The99thPursuitSquadronwaspartofthateffort. 他们被称为图斯基吉飞行员 ...
Air pollution has become increasingly deteriorated and attracted widespread attention worldwide, and is a major health hazard. According to the World Bank Report, air pollution is responsible for millions of deaths and creates economic loss which amounts to trillions of dollars in Asia and Sub-Sahar...
Additionally, in AIR 3.7 and higher, you can use theforceCPURenderModeForDevicestag to force CPU render mode for a specified set of devices and enable GPU render mode for remaining iOS devices. You add this tag as a child of theiPhonetag and specify a space-separated list of device model...
《German Air Force I Knew 1914-1918》(Neumann,Major-General Paul)内容简介: Major Georg Paul Neumann was a former German Air Force officer who had served in the Great War. He...