The New Order came into existence after October 1, 1965, when General Suharto defeated the coup by young army officers led by Lt. Colonel Untung. In less than 24 hours Suharto's forces wrested control of Jakarta's central Merdeka Square, bounded on the north side by the Presidential Palace...
Don Christensen, a retired colonel and former chief prosecutor of the Air Force, noted that availability was likely the leading factor in who was tapped for further consideration to sit on the jury. “Every time you take an officer out of the job, that’s going to hav...
2nd Lt. Madison Marsh, 23, will complete her year as the first active-duty Miss America in January. Opinion How the Air Force can move from storming to norming hair standards In this opinion piece, two Air Force officers examine why ...
oncompletionof 20yearsreckonableservicebutnotmorethan25yearsreckonable serviceprovidedtheyhavenotbecomedueforretirementonthe basisoftheageofsuperannuationprescribedfortherankoftime scaleLieutenantColonel.Officerssopromotedwillnotbereckoned againsttheauthorizedestablishmentofLieutenantColonels,butwill beheldinaseparate‘...