8P1XX Defense AttachéInformation Management 8R0XX Enlisted Accessions RecruiterHuman Resource Management 9L0XX Interpreter/TranslatorIntelligence Studies & Technology 9S1XX Scientific Applications SpecialistScientific Analysis Technology Your AFSC determines what CCAF degree you are enrolled in, you are not ab...
4A0X1 – Health Services Management May 1, 2024 This is the 4A0X1 – Health Services Management Mos in the air force Read more 4A1X1 – Medical Materiel AFSC May 1, 2024 this is the 4A1X1 – Medical Materiel AFSC air force career ...
Auto Information (AI) and Shop Information (SI) Assembling Objects (AO) What score do I need on the ASVAB for Air Force jobs? Air Force Specialty Codes (AFSC) Air Force jobs are divided into four basic career areas: general (G), administrative (A), mechanical (M), and electronic (...
The major course, in terms of introduction to Air Force financial management, is the initial enlisted Air Force Specialty Code (AFSC) generating course. ASMC visits...The 364th Comptroller Training Flight, Sheppard Air Force Base, Texas The functional KPL is based upon a members Air Force Spec...
1C5XX – Command and Control Battle Management Operations [multicolor_pregress width_1=”71″ width_2=”29″ text_1=”Male – 71%” text_2=”Female – 29%” bg_color_1=”#5548E0″ bg_color_2=”#F75EEB”] 8B1XX – Military Training Leader ...
MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMSCOST ANALYSISCOST ESTIMATESCOMPUTER PROGRAMSMETHODOLOGYAIR FORCEMANAGEMENTTOOLSCOSTSCOMPUTER APPLICATIONSThe development of cost estimating tools virtually came to a standstill after the surge of RAND and other studies ended in the early 1970s. The cost estimating 'tool box' ...
⦿ AFSC 1B4X1: If you enter this division, know that you will be split into two separate jobs: Offensive Cyber Operations (OCO) and Defensive Cyber Operations (DCO) ⦿ 3D: Cyberspace Support which is broken down as follows: ⦿ 3D0x1: Knowledge Operations Management ⦿ 3D0x2:...
关于U.S. Air Force工作-生活平衡的点评 职位名称 不限 地点 不限 按类别评分 清空 3.9工作-生活平衡 4.5薪资与福利 4.4职位安全与晋升 4.0管理方式 4.2企业文化 搜索评价 搜索 排序方式 评分时间 语言 已找到符合搜索的12,047条评价查看 31,130 条评论...
Most of what I accomplished during my time in the Air Force is classified, so I will be brief and inform only on those things I believe are not related to any classified information or activities. A typical day at work was either a standard 8-9 hour day with time for physical ...
Working group membership consists of AF ISR Force Management division (AF/A2DFM); 1A8 Air Force Specialty Code (AFSC) Manager; 25th Air Force Manpower, Personnel & Services Directorate (25 AF/1A) Functional Manager; Air Combat Command, 55th Wing (ACC/55 WG); ...