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1. This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect while You use the Services. Subject to terms of this Agreement, You may terminate Your use of the Services at any time.The Company may terminate or suspend Your access to the Services or Your membership/user status at any time for ...
The Air Force is preparing a modernization plan that expands the capabilities of the F/A-22, which was first designed to serve as an air-to-air fighter aircraft with very limited ability to strike targets on the ground. The Air Force now intends to transform it by adding robust air-to-...
The Air Force and the national defense mission are the big losers when talented individuals choose to separate early. Although specific separation figures are not available, analysis of the percentage of men and women by commissioned years of service in the Air Force indicates that women separate ...
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United State Air Force Aircraft Accident Investigation Board Report On July 21, 2008, at approximately 0955 local time (L), a B-52H aircraft, tail number 60-053, crashed into the ocean 30 nautical miles (NM) northwest of Gu... MA Barrett 被引量: 0发表: 2008年 Joint Committee on ...
Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson has submitted her resignation, after being selected as the 'sole finalist' to serve as the president of the University of Texas at El Paso. Reuters first reported the news of Wilson's departure. A Unive... C Albon - 《Inside the Pentagon》 被引量: 0发...