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force_download: bool = False, ) -> None: data_path = get_data_path(data_path) data_path = _get_data_path(data_path) data_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) for prefix in ["train", "test"]: filename = f"{prefix}_{dataset_name}.csv" if not (data_path / filename).exi...
The air seeding threshold was taken as the pressure required to force nitrogen gas through intervessel pit membranes. Although all measurements were made on wood produced in the same year, Pa varied between different regions of A. saccharum , with distal organs such as leaves and petioles having...
Additionally, on December 1, 2015, the government published the Euro 5 fuel quality specification and regulation, which comes into force in phases between September 2020 and September 2022 for diesel fuel and between September 2025 and September 2027 for gasoline fuel. As a result, even though ...
- [AIRFLOW-7098] Simple salesforce release 1.0.0 breaks the build (#7775) - [AIRFLOW-6062] Executor would only delete workers in its own namespace (#7123) - [AIRFLOW-7074] Add Permissions to view SubDAGs (#7752) - [AIRFLOW-7025] Fix SparkSqlHook.run_query to handle its para...
The crank-slider mechanism transforms the rotary motion into a swing motion, and the slider-rocker mechanism amplifies the motion to achieve a flapping angle of 120 degrees. Depending on the inertial force and flexible deformation of the wing, the final flapping amplitude can reach about 180 ...