In theAir Force, enlisted jobs are known as "AFSCs," or "Air Force Specialty Codes." The Air Force divides theirAFSCs (enlisted jobs)into the following overall categories: Operations Maintenance & Logistics Support Medical & Dental Legal & Chaplain Finance & Contracting Special Investigations With...
Which AFSC has the most women or men? See the chart below. Current as of June, 2015. 8A2XX – Enlisted Aide [progressbar_stripes width_1=”32″ width_2=”68″ text_1=”Male – 32%” text_2=”Female – 68%” bg_color_1=”#5548E0″ bg_color_2=”#F75EEB”] 3S1XX – Equal...
You can see how the Air Force’s education level has changed over time in the chart below. view Trend of education levels for enlisted Air Force members over the past 20+ years. The Y axis shows the percentage of the enlisted force that has that type of degree. Information from the AFPC...
Medical personnel in the AE system provide care based upon their Air Force Specialty Code (AFSC), Military Occupational Specialty (MOS), and Naval Enlisted Classification (NEC) scope of practice/specific core competencies, level of knowledge, training, and skills. ...
The purpose of this thesis was to perform a statistical analysis of the effects of rank, AFSC and dependents on the lengths of separation (LOS) experienced by Air Force enlisted couples when one or both of them are reassigned. Data on enlisted couples was gathered from the permanent universal...
Senior Enlisted Leader (在职员工) - Houston, TX - 2025年1月15日 The Texas Air National Guard is a great organization if your are coming off of Active Duty or just interested in joining. Great people and a great mission. 这篇点评对您有用吗? 是否 报告 分享 ...
Air Force Security Forces Patrolman(离职员工)-Cannon AFB, NM-2024年8月28日 If you’re a young adult considering joining the Air Force, you're looking at a path that's both challenging and rewarding. Here’s a detailed look at what the Air Force offers and how it caters to young recru...
Recommendations for the design of a comprehensive program of cross-cultural training and education were made based on extensive analyses of the results, which included determining whether training needs differed by AFSC, grade (enlisted/officer), and deployment location. 展开 ...
Monitor the overall health of the CP enlisted force and prepare recommendations to improve enlisted force retention, utilization and employment. Provide advice, guidance and assistance to AF/A3O, the AFCFM, the functional community and HAF offices on issues related to the CP enlisted...
The Air Force has been great. When you first start, basic training might suck and you’ll thing tech school sucks but tech school is actually cool because your getting paid to train and learn your job. The firt few years in the Air Force will be awesome due to you’ll have limited re...