Special Duty Assignments are usually jobs that a member performs temporarily, working outside of their normal AFSC. When the special duty tour is completed, members usually return to their primary AFSC (enlisted job). Examples would be a recruiter, first sergeant, or military training instructor. ...
Gender Balance in the Air Force Which AFSC has the most women or men? See the chart below. Current as of June, 2015. 8A2XX – Enlisted Aide [progressbar_stripes width_1=”32″ width_2=”68″ text_1=”Male – 32%” text_2=”Female – 68%” bg_color_1=”#5548E0″ bg_color_2...
Trend of education levels for enlisted Air Force members over the past 20+ years. The Y axis shows the percentage of the enlisted force that has that type of degree. Information from the AFPC IDEAS database. As you can see, the education level for the average enlisted member has risen sig...
In the Army and Marines, an enlisted job is called MOS or military occupational specialty. In the Navy and Coast Guard, an enlisted job is called a rating. But in the Air Force, a job is referred to by anAir Force Specialty Code, or AFSC. It's a five-digit alphanumeric code for e...
Air Force pamphlet AFPC Air Force Personnel Center AFRES Air Force Reserves AFRICOM Africa Command AFROTC Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps AFSA Air Force Sergeants Association AFSC Air Force specialty code AFSO21 Air Force Smart Operations 21st Century AFSOC Air Force Special Operations Command...
2.1.10. Establish/Manage the Command Post Enlisted Force Council (CPEFC). The following are core members of the CPEFC. CP Air Force Career Field Manager (AFCFM) - CPEFC Chairman. AFRC 1C3X1 Functional Manager (FM). NGB 1C3X1 FM....
Filling out the Det’s aircrew complement at Langley were field grade officers out of the TAC staff. Mostly guys with over a thousand hours of fighter time. I’m not really sure how this was justified. We had all met our gates in terms of flying time and had full time jobs on a sta...