Payloads carried on ZALA 421-16E5 aerial vehicle The ZALA 421-16E5 UAV is offered with a wide range of thermal imager and video camera options such as Z-16EIK18/60, Z-16VKHD HD-camcorder, Z-16IK35/VKL, ZALA AGRO, Z-16EIK60, Z-16F2/VK, Z-16F3/VK, Z-16IK35/VKL, and Z...
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The American Athletic Conference has ramped up interest in adding Air Force as a member to put all three service academies into the same league for the first time, a person with knowledge of the AAC’s discussions told The Associated Press on Monday. The person spoke on condition of anonymity...
☝詹姆斯都去打的业余联赛,到底什么来头? ☝Air Jordan 37 到底是不是一双好鞋? ☝居然十八年了,LeBron 2终于复刻了 ☝本周重要鞋款发售预报 7.18-7.24 ☝回顾这十年,NBA2K不完全是“换皮游戏” ☝这个百万粉丝的主理人,又玩儿出“花儿”来...
Nike Sportswear 再次推出全新的Air Force 1 Low,简洁干净的配色非常适合夏日穿搭。 鞋款采用干净的白色翻滚皮革鞋面,搭配光滑的皮革Swoosh。白色网眼鞋舌、鞋带和中底在口香糖外底顶部以黄色对比突出,完成了设计。 目前还未透露鞋款具体发...
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Air Force E5 Staff Sergeant, Skill Level 7 Journeyman(离职员工)-Richardson, AK-2017年6月12日 Being enlisted in the Air Force was the best move I ever made on a personal and professional level.Provided me with the opportunity to travel the world and grow me as a person. ...
Senator: Cuts may imperil Robins Air Force Basemacon
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