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点击标题下「上海市新疆商会」快速关注 Air Nutri全球旗舰体验中心 Air Nutri全球旗舰体验中心位于 上海市静安区永和路318弄17号楼 设计结合以科技助力健康的独特属性 通过一种 结构性与建筑性的纯净气质和流动感 为体验者打造了一个 现...
The volume of a passenger airbag device is reduced, and the behavior thereof when inflated and deployed is stabilized. A passenger airbag device () installed in a top surface of an instrument panel () has, on an instrument panel side (back surface side) of an inflated and deployed cushion...
Arrival of protective coverBecause it can do easily with the deviation from velvet type fastener, the hoeInspection of su and exchange of protective cover become simple and quick.菊地 豊沼田 克彦
In the indoor environment, pesticides are usually semi-volatile compounds that may exist in either gas or particulate form according to properties, such as the vapor pressure, product viscosity, and water solubility [94]. In addition, it has been indicated that carpet and textiles are likely to...