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asdcplib asn1c asyncresolv augeas authforce avro-c avro-cpp axel beanstalkpp beecrypt bfast bickley bip bitset blake2 bliss blm blogbench boolstuff boost.m4 bozohttpd bsdsfv buddy bufferpool bullet c++-gtk-utils c-ares calcurse carve ccaudio2 ccd2iso ccglue ccif cclive ccrtp ccss cd...
In this paper, the approach proposed by the Italian Ministerial Decree (IMD) 18.12.1975 [47], still in force for school buildings; the one provided by the World Health Organization (WHO); the one proposed by the American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (ACDCP) [48]; and a ...
Additionally, the process of strain accumulation can be implemented with empirical approaches that fit experimental results with number of load cycles, yet their use is restricted to boundary value problems that need to satisfy force equilibrium and strain compatibility. Thus, semi-empirical numerical ...