United States Air Force Occupational Survey Report. Radio Communications Systems, AFSC 3C1X1Air force trainingJob analysisMilitary occupational specialtiesPersonnel developmentAir force personnelSurveysCommunication and radio systemsPersonnel retentionJob satisfaction*AIR FORCE TRAINING...
Education is important to the Air Force More than any other branch of the military (in my experience at least), and increasingly more and more each year, education is highly valued in the Air Force. There is a section on the Enlisted Performance Report (EPR – a yearly review of your pe...
On 1 October 1990, ESMC was transferred from Air Force Systems Command to Air Force Space Command in a ceremony at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station. The 6555th Aerospace Test Group remained with AFSC, but most of its resources were placed in Combined Test Forces serving both commands or in...
Variances to AFMS 135A, whether positive or negative, will be coordinated on by the MFM and CFM prior to sub- mission to the Air Force Manpower Agency (AFMA). The AFECD identifies mandatory and mini- mum requirements for entry into and award/retention of AFSC 1C3X1. Additional on-the...
Air Force pamphlet AFPC Air Force Personnel Center AFRES Air Force Reserves AFRICOM Africa Command AFROTC Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps AFSA Air Force Sergeants Association AFSC Air Force specialty code AFSO21 Air Force Smart Operations 21st Century AFSOC Air Force Special Operations Command...
The effect of this memorandum was first felt on January 2, 1964, when HQ AFSC organized two provisional field components: a Headquarters National Range Division (NRD) at Patrick AFB, Florida; and a Headquarters Air Force Space Test Center at Vandenberg AFB. The test center and the existing He...
Officer personnelAir Force personnelManagementGroup dynamicsOrganizationsInterpersonal relationsDemographyThe policy-capturing technique was used to capture the decision-making behavior of 500 Air Force Communications Service middle managers assigned to headquarters AFSC, Northern Communications Area, Strategic Air ...