... Enduring Freedom)计划,也曾获颁空军嘉奖奖章(Air Force Commendation Medal)。 www.bannedbook.org|基于21个网页 2. 空军表彰勋章 美国空军勋章类别一览... ... Joint Service Achievement Medal( 服役成就勋章)Air Force Commendation Medal(空军表彰… ...
Air Force Commendation Medal (Air Force or Attached Services) For heroism, meritorious achievement or meritorious service. Authorized in 1958,theAirForceCommendationMedalisawardedtoAirmenformeritoriousachievementorservice.Themedalcanbeawardedforactionsincombatorforoutstandingachievementinanon-combatsetting.Themedal...
ACC,Air Combat Command- a command that is the primary provider of air combat weapon systems to the United States Air Force; operates fighter, bomber, reconnaissance, battle-management, and rescue aircraft AFSPC,Air Force Space Command- a command of the United States Air Force that is responsible...
Air Force Commendation Medalwas established by the Secretary of the Air Force on March 28, 1958, for award to members of the armed forces of the United States who, while serving in any capacity with the Air Force after March 24, 1958, shall have distinguished themselves by For Heroism, Mer...
Lieutenant Colonel Gonzales retired from the U.S. Air Force in 1971. In addition to the Air Force Cross, he had been awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross with four oak leaf clusters (five awards), and the Air Medal with ten oak leaf clusters (eleven awards). The Republic of Vietnam ha...
At the same ceremony, James H. Kendall, RD2, received the Navy Commendation Medal from Admiral Koch for rescuing a man who fell from a pier in Naples. More than 500 Philadelphians were the guests of Captain August W. Elliott, Shang's C.O., during a reception held in honor of their ...
William Dunsmore was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross (DFC), John Wilkinson and Alexander Brown as NCO’s eared the Distinguished Flying Medal (DFM). All survived the war. Ted Strever also received a Distinguished Flying Cross (DFC) for this action. He died in Haenertsburg, South Afric...
梅特勒曾获得海军和海军陆战队嘉奖奖章(Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal)、国防服务奖章(National Defense Service Medal)、阿富汗战役奖章(Afghanistan Campaign Medal)、全球反恐战争奖章(Global War on Terrorism Service Medal)和韩国国防服务奖章(Korea Defense Service Medal)。此次坠机地点系航空站以东的政府...
Lt. Col. Poole was a Command Pilot and had been decorated with the Distinguished Flying Cross, Bronze Star Medal, Air Medal with three Oak Leaf Clusters and the Commendation Ribbon as well as numerous service awards for his various tours of duty. (A mysterious example of the unfolding\...