Air Force Commendation Medalwas established by the Secretary of the Air Force on March 28, 1958, for award to members of the armed forces of the United States who, while serving in any capacity with the Air Force after March 24, 1958, shall have distinguished themselves by For Heroism, Mer...
Next (lower)Air Force:Aerial Achievement Medal Army, Navy & Marine Corps:Commendation Medals Air Medal ribbon (above) - Reverse side of medal (below) Criteria[edit source] DuringWorld War IIthe medal's award criteria varied widely depending on the theater of operations, the aircraft flown, and...
A U.S. Air Force medal with an attached remote “R” device sits in front of an MQ-9 Reaper July 9, 2018, at Creech Air Force Base, Nev. The “R” device distinguishes an award earned for hands-on employment of a weapon system that had direct and immediate imp...
One Marine lieutenant colonel described Hirst’s courage under enemy fire during the 30-day battle for Marjah, Afghanistan in 2010, which resulted in the gunny receiving a Navy-Marine Corps Commendation Medal with a “V” device for valor. Riley Ceder is a reporter at Milita...