During the time you get ready for Air Force basic training you will only be getting a taste of what Air Force life is really like. Your training will continue as you go ahead to your technical school and it will continue even more once you get to your first duty assignment. In those l...
Discover the latest insights on MyBaseGuide.com with the article 'Air Force Basic Training: Everything You Need to Know', focusing on U.S military bases and related topics. Read now to learn more and discover related articles and resources!
Air Force basic training is now more challenging than ever, both mentally and physically. In the past few years the Air Force has redesigned its basic military training requirements to prepare airmen for the ever-changing role the Air Force is now engaged in ground the...
Myodd decision to join the Air Forceset an inevitable chain of events in motion, beginning with Basic Training at Lackland AFB in San Antonio. The date of this post is the beginning of this epoch in my life. Given that this was 1971, hair was a rather huge issue… and the photo above...
The Air Force had previously announced Axelbank's departure and said it was a normal change of command. But it comes as the Air Force implements new training guidelines. The base's top commander, Col. Glenn Palmer, was ousted last month. ...
Outside of basic training, theAir Forcefollows a standard reporting statement procedure. At the position of attention, knock (a single time) on the door of the superior you are reporting to. If the door is open, knock (a single time) on the door frame. At the command of "enter," mar...
This article offers info on how to handle the experience of your child going through basic training.
Sheppard Air Force Base (SPS) is a military training base situated 8km north of Wichita County, Texas, in the US. Built on a 300-acre site, the base is owned and operated by the US Air Force (USAF) and Air Education and Training Command (AETC) respectively. ...
By the time that the B-1A program was cancelled, 74-0158 had made 79 flights totaling 405.3 hours. It was dismantled and used for weapons training at Lowry Air Force Base, Colorado. The first prototype Rockwell B-1A Lancer, 74-0158, at Edwards AFB. Visual differences of the B-1A that...
The Air Force Office of Scientific Research’s (AFOSR) Cognitive & Computational Neuroscience program funds high-risk/high-impact basic research on the mechanisms of perception, cognition, and behavior and at the intersection of neuroscience and artificial intelligence. Read More › FALCON NEURO Fal...