Medical personnel in the AE system provide care based upon their Air Force Specialty Code (AFSC), Military Occupational Specialty (MOS), and Naval Enlisted Classification (NEC) scope of practice/specific core competencies, level of knowledge, training, and skills. ...
This report presents the results of an Air Force Occupational Survey of the Tactical Air Command and Control career ladder, Air Force Specialty Code (AFSC) 1C4X1. Authority for conducting occupational surveys is contained in AFI 36-2623. Computer products used in this report are available for ...
Air Force pamphlet AFPC Air Force Personnel Center AFRES Air Force Reserves AFRICOM Africa Command AFROTC Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps AFSA Air Force Sergeants Association AFSC Air Force specialty code AFSO21 Air Force Smart Operations 21st Century AFSOC Air Force Special Operations Command... Each MAJCOM headquarters/Numbered Air Force (NAF)/Air Force Component Head- quarters (AFCHQ)/FOA/DRU is authorized to operate a separate, dedicated command center without waiver to this AFI when collocation with the host unit CP is not practical; however, MAJ- COMs/NAFs/AFCHQs/...
AFI14-125,30July2008 Certifiedby:AF/A2D (KennethKDumm,DISES-2) Pages:15 ThispublicationimplementsAirForcePolicyDirective(AFPD)14-1,IntelligenceSurveillance andReconnaissance(ISR)PlanningResourcesandOperations,DepartmentofDefense Instruction(DoDI)3305.09,DoDCryptologicTraining,andisconsistentwithAirForce ...
(3) to improve public health during humanitarian missions/natural disasters by engaging this new resource in whichever area may be most lacking and (4) to create a new Air Force Instruction (AFI) detailing the ANG PPP or to supplement the existing AFI (11-405) to allow for an ANG PPP.Th...
AIR FORCE OPERATIONS.The Air Force Journal of Logistics provides an open forum for the presentation of issues, ideas, research, and information of concern to logisticians who plan, acquire, maintain, supply, transport, and provide supporting engineering and services for military aerospace forces. It...