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摘要: The Air Force is requesting more munitions for use in a future battle against peer adversaries and shifting away from weapons used in counter-terrorism activities, senior service officials said this week. The fiscal year 2020 presidential base budget request includes over $2 billion for Air...
PB Air (Bangkok) was forced to suspend all operations this month after Bangkok Air declined to extend the lease of two ATR 72-500s it was wet leasing the company through the end of October. The ATRs were leased in April 2009 to replace the two Embraer ERJ 145 regional jets that had be...
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Air Force Air. It introduces its leaders including Secretary Michael B. Donley, General Norton Schwartz, and Chief Master Sergeant Rodney J. McKinley. It mentions the vision, mission, and priorities of the Air Force. It also presents the recipients of the Air Force me...
In Joint WHO/UNECE Task Force on Health Aspects of Air Pollutants under UNECE’s Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution Convention (LRTAP). World Health Organization, Regional Office for Europe. Google Scholar WHO (World Health Organization).: Health Aspects of Air Pollution with Particulate Matter...
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