AFSCAir Force Job TitleMinimum Required ASVAB Score 1A0X1 In-Flight Refueling Specialist G55 1A1X1 Flight engineer G57 1A2X1 Aircraft loadmaster G57 1A3X1 Airborne communication systems E70 1A6X1 Flight attendant A28 1A8X1 Airborne cryptologic language analyst G72 1A8X2 Airborne intelligence, ...
U.S. AIR FORCE MOS (AFSC) CODE The codes below are listed in the following format: "Current Number (Old Code Numbers) -- Job Title -- Creditable Experience". NOTE: Some Air Force Specialty Codes (AFSC) may have an alphabetical suffix, known as "Shredout." The shredout identifies spe...
The Air Force is currently the smallest it has been since its inception. Multiple major cutbacks have been made over the past 10 years or so, perhaps kicking out people that weren’t pursuing education as heavily as others, or encouraging people to pursue more education to avoid being cut....
United States Air Force Occupational Survey Report. Tactical Air Command and Control. AFSC 1C4X1Air force trainingJob analysisMilitary occupational specialtiesSkillsCareersAir force personnelSurveysJob satisfactionPersonnel development*AIR FORCE TRAINING
AFSC 英文缩写AFSC 英文全称Air Force Systems Command 中文解释空军系统司令部[美] AFSC意思,AFSC的意思,AFSC是什么意思?爱站小工具网缩写频道为您提供有关于AFSC的解释和缩写,空军系统司令部[美]的英文缩写是什么 其它解释 AFSC(美国公谊会服务委员会)
Us air force afsc 2t2 SECTION CHIEF 2 LRS Air Terminal Function (在职员工) - Barksdale AFB, LA - 2021年10月16日 Like any place of employment, you get what you put into it. Opportunity to add professional value through OTJ training and personnel education through tuition assistance or the ...
The Air Force has been great. When you first start, basic training might suck and you’ll thing tech school sucks but tech school is actually cool because your getting paid to train and learn your job. The firt few years in the Air Force will be awesome due to you’ll have limited re...
AFSC 英文全称Air Force Systems Command 中文解释空军系统司令部[美] 缩写分类军事政治, ASESA武装部队电气标准局[美] ASEE美国工程教育协会 ASEB航空与空间工程局[美] ASEA美国工程师及建筑师学会 ASDF航空自卫队[日] ASDB亚洲开发银行 ASCU(美国)州立学院及大学联合会...
Gender Balance in the Air Force Which AFSC has the most women or men? See the chart below. Current as of June, 2015. 8A2XX – Enlisted Aide [progressbar_stripes width_1=”32″ width_2=”68″ text_1=”Male – 32%” text_2=”Female – 68%” bg_color_1=”#5548E0″ bg_color_...
Air force Hh-60 crew chief(在职员工)-Las Vegas, NV-2025年2月9日 Good job if you are looking for experience to get a better job. Will teach you a high level of discipline and leadership which will help you throughout your life. ...