Support the Air Force mission out of uniform while working in tandem with Airmen to defend and protect our nation. CIVILIANSERVICE Air Force Auxiliary As a volunteer, take part in missions before you are old enough to enlist or stay in uniform long after you retire from duty. ...
Noun1.United States Air Force- the airforce of the United States of America; the agency that defends the United States through control and exploitation of air and space U. S. Air Force,US Air Force,USAF,Air Force AFRL,Air Force Research Laboratory- a United States Air Force defense laborat...
1.(Military) a.the branch of a nation's armed services primarily responsible for air warfare b.(as modifier):an air-force base. 2.(Military) a formation in the US and certain other air forces larger than an air division but smaller than an air command ...
USAF refueling operations during the Vietnam War The advent ofnuclear weaponsdelivered by long-rangebombersmeant that the Air Force would play a decisive role in any future superpower conflict during theCold War. To this end, theStrategic Air Command(SAC) was created in 1946 to launch nuclear-...
空军一号(Air Force One):是任何接载着美国总统的空军飞机的航空无线电台呼号。只是一个象征性的称号,在美国空军内部,它不区分飞机的种类与数量,只要是美国现任总统的座机,都统称为“空军一号”(也就是说只要是隶属于美国空军的飞机,无论哪架,只要美国现任总统乘坐,从登上飞机的那一刻起,该飞机即被称作...
The USAF also encountered another set of unforeseen challenges. For example, within the 412 Test Wing (412TW) at Edwards Air Force Base, there was no common understanding of what innovation is and what it is not. There was confusion about what a culture of innovation is, or even how to ...
USAF Patches U.S. AIR Force美国运动背包贴章魔术贴刺绣布贴 傲途多尔/aotddor品牌 7天包换 ¥3.0月销47个 宜春海客户外用品商贸有限公司12年 跨境货源USAF Patches U.S. AIR Force美国运动背包贴章魔术贴刺 Bounty,hunter品牌 一件代发 ¥3.0
Though Ronald Reagan's two terms as president saw no major changes to Air Force One, the manufacture of the presidential aircraft version of the 747 began during his presidency. The USAF issued a Request For Proposal in 1985 for two wide-body aircraft with a minimum of three engines and an...
USAF 听听怎么读 英[ˌju: es eɪ ˈef] 是什么意思 abbr. United States Air Force 美国空军; 英英释义 USAF[ ,ju: es ei 'ef ] n.the airforce of the United States of America; the agency that defends the United States through control and exploitation of air and space...