Air Force 1 除了是 Nike 旗下经典鞋型以外,还是各大品牌争相联名的对象,最近就有 A-COLD-WALL* x Nike Air Force 1 、OFF-WHITE x Nike Air Force 1 和 Carhartt x Nike Air Force 1 等多双联名款发售。此番 Instagram 上有球鞋爱好者定制了这双 Air Force 1“Air Shoelaces”,鞋款整体偏向解构风格...
SHOELACES Description Report Item Specifications: Material: 100% Polyester Pattern Type: Solid Color Variety: 30 Colors to Choose From Length Options: 60/90/100/120/150 cm Width: 8 mm Accessories: 2Pcs AF1 buckle + 2Pcs shoelaces per pack Features: |Patent Air Force 1|Jordan 1 Lace Replacem...
making them a great choice for those who enjoy expressing their personal style. The shoelaces are also designed to be washable, ensuring that they maintain their color and integrity over time. Whether you're looking to add a splash of color to your Air Force 1 recycled canvas sneakers or to...
这一次我们来说一说NIKE和Off-White联名的Air Force One,一拿到手,这双球鞋真是太亮眼了,现在这款球鞋市场价在4000左右,另一双和这双同时期出的是一款黑色的,价格稍微贵一点,4500左右(部分市场炒到11000元)。 虽然这双球鞋是NIKE和Off-White联名的THE TEN系列,但实际上这个Air Force One这款球鞋的联名目前是...
Off-White和Nike合作AirForce1 Mid“Graffiti”曝光,涂鸦吸睛 日前,Off-White™️和Nike合作 Air Force 1 Mid “Graffiti”的详细图片被泄露。这一次,一个新的穿着形象浮出水面。此款由已故的Virgil Abloh设计,采用优质白色皮革鞋面,搭配米白色标志性的“SHOELACES”字样,以及传统的无鞋和 Flywire 线缆,并...
鞋带印有解构风格的 “SHOELACES” 字样。 目前这款实物配色为深灰色鞋面搭配黑色和水泥元素点缀,外底为泛黄的水晶底。据悉将在明年 2 月发售。 今天的介绍到这里就结束啦,如果大家想要看到更多专业更多新鲜的潮鞋资讯,一定要点击关注【街头研究所】哦~我是所长,我们下期再见! 作者最新文章 UBIQ与adidas再度合作推出...
Nike Air Force 1 Be True|Air Force Handbook 1|Material:Polyester,Crafted from durable polyester, these shoelaces withstand frequent wear and washing. Performance and Property:Luminous AF1,Glow-in-the-dark feature adds a unique touch to your AF1 sneakers. ...
The charms are compatible with a wide range of shoelaces, making them a versatile addition to your shoe collection. Whether you're looking to celebrate the Air Force One Anniversary Edition or simply add a pop of color to your Air Force 1 07 Contrast Stitch, these charms are the perfect ...
这双鞋除了带了一双荧光黄的鞋带外还附赠了一个黑色的鞋带,这个鞋带并不是普通的的黑色鞋带,摸起来很有手感,在鞋带头还有SHOELACES字样,在光照的情况下还有一点点反光,非常亮眼。 整体来说我觉得这双球鞋是THE TEN系列非常经典的一款,整体的设计语言和各种材料的使用都是非常走心的,突破了Ptototype原型设计的感觉...
**Versatile and Easy to Use** Whether you're looking to personalize your Nike Air Force 1 shoes or add a unique touch to your foot locker collection, these charms are the perfect fit. They are designed to be easily attached to your shoelaces, allowing for a quick and effortless ...