The current focus on reducing residue burning from paddy cultivation in the Kharif (monsoon) season has to be upscaled to cover all crops such as wheat from the Rabi (winter) season. A major policy initiative from the Indian government to deal with air pollution was the NCAP that set a ...
[35] has investigated the performance of ATEHE for summer and winter season in Athens, Greece. Space was heated by using a heater during winters and cooled by using an air conditioning system during summers. At ambient temperature of 20 °C result indicates that with an increase in the ...
To become an“Air Hostess”is like a dream come true for the young girls who aspire to fly high in the sky and have a passion for travel. The duties of anAir Hostess,invlove providing top notch customer service to the passengers, ensuring their safety, comfort and overall well being dur...
In 2020, New Delhi's average annual concentration of PM2.5 in a cubic meter of air was 84.1, the study said, more than double the level of Beijing, which averaged 37.5 during the year, making it the 14th most polluted city in the world. Air pollution caused an ...
Several rebate and tax credit programs can help lower the price of new air conditioning equipment. Rebates – which are usually only offered on higher-end, higher-efficiency units – can take the form of instant discounts, cash-back offers, financing incentives, or lower interest rates. You can...
Air-conditioning, the control of temperature, humidity, purity, and motion of air in an enclosed space, independent of outside conditions. An early method of cooling air as practiced in India was to hang wet grass mats over windows where they cooled inco
Because of the strong seasonal variations of the AOD [4], the monthly mean time series were first de-seasonalized using a centered moving average with a period of 12 months, and then averaged to annual mean values to reduce effects of other influences than seasonal variations. The results in...
During the war two U.S. air forces—the 8th and the 15th—participated with the Royal Air Force Bomber Command in thestrategic bombingof Germany. Two other air forces—the 9th and 12th—supplied the U.S. air cooperation needed in the victorious ground campaigns inNorth Africa,Sicily,Italy,...
Population and death rates for three years (2019–2021) were estimated using census data for the year 2011. The health risk analysis was performed using epidemiological equations. The datasets were filtered in order to have a more consistent time series. Both sites had around 75% of valid data...
According to the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE),“the optimal range is 200 to 280 nm, and the highest germicidal effect is achieved at 265 nm. Most UVGI air purification systems use a wavelength of 253.7 nm, which is close to the optimal ...