air canada will refund the money to the credit card you used at the time of purchase. if your new credit card is with the same financial institution, contact them directly as they may have already transferred the money to your new card. if you no longer have a credit card with the ...
Find contact information for all Air Canada and Aeroplan inquiries, including new reservations, changing or cancelling your reservation, or flight information.
Navigate Air Canada's ticket change maze! Learn about all the fees, elite perks and more within Air Canada's cancellation policy and book with confidence.
Find contact information for all Air Canada and Aeroplan inquiries, including new reservations, changing or cancelling your reservation, or flight information.
Find contact information for all Air Canada and Aeroplan inquiries, including new reservations, changing or cancelling your reservation, or flight information.
On all flights to/from Canada, children under the age of 5 will be seated next to a parent or guardian. All other children under the age of 14 will be seated as close as possible, and no more than one row from a parent or guardian. On the rare occasion that a downgrade is ...
No, you won't be able to receive a refund for ANY non-refundable flight ticket. Air Canada's cancellation policy lets you receive a full refund if you cancel your booking within 24 hours from when you initially made the booking.At Alternative Airlines, we highly recommend adding Cancellation...
Air Canada charged us for the fare difference even though their policy was to waive the fees. It is mean spirited and bad form to not refund us the extra fees, which didn't actually cost them anything and when we could actually have saved them money if they would have had to rebook ...
When Air Canada refused to issue the reimbursement because of the misinformation mishap, Moffattook them to court.Air Canada's argument against the refund included claims that they were not responsible for the "misleading words" of its chatbot. Air Canada also argued that the chatbot was a "sep...
The customers have an option to call theAir Canada phone number. By calling this, you will get help from the experts. Or if you are looking for a flight change instead of flight cancellation then, go through the Air Canada flight change policy for that. ...