points/no sqm basic between canada and the u.s. 25% points/no sqm basic within canada 10% points/no sqm more details earn aeroplan points on all eligible air canada flights, as well as status qualifying miles, status qualifying dollars and a status qualifying segment that count towards ...
sign in program overview earn points redeem points buy, donate, and more promotions join now special offers sign in see your profile my profile loading... air canada aeroplan elite status sign in my bookings my bookings my bookings my profile my profile join aeroplan join aeroplan sign out ...
You are also allowed to change your points from other loyalty programs into Aeroplan Miles. You have this facility to exchange directly with the partners. Aeroplan Airline Partners: Fully Integrated Airline Partners Air Canada Air Canada Jazz ...
1. 新Aeroplan搜索界面 2020年11月9日,加航全新改版的常旅客计划Aeroplan正式登场亮相。加航也为Aeroplan推出了全新的Logo: 老版aeroplan.com已经被重定向到加航官网。新版Aeroplan已经完全变成加航网站的一部分,直接在加航官网选择Points就可以进行里程票搜索,这点终于和美国三大航司看齐: 2. 加航兑换总结 之前...
2. CIBC, TD Canada Trust联名信用卡。开卡就送里程,每消费一刀,累计1.5Miles。 3. 美国 American Express Membership Rewards。按照1000的倍数起转,比例为1:1。加拿大 American Express Membership Rewards 100的倍数起转,至少转1000,比例为1:1。 4. ESSO加油站,输入你的Aeroplan卡号,就可以获得里程。Regular $...
Aeroplan 買分活動鏈接 Aeroplan 買分活動鏈接 Aeroplan 買分基礎信息 有一定限制:每個賬號每筆最多只能買 25 萬里程,每個自然年最多只能買 50萬里程。具體的價格折扣前是每里程 0.035 CAD。 買分的網站不是 AirCanada.com 而是 Points.com,所以在信用卡那邊的消費類別不是「航空」而是「其他」。 別忘了可以通過...
Air Canada Aeroplan: What Are The Hidden Perks? Summary Air Canada's Aeroplan offers a range of ways to spend points, with the best value often on flights. Pricing for Air Canada flights is dynamic and based on the underlying ticket price. ...
Air Canada’s loyalty program allows you to fly just about anywhere in the world. But Aeroplan points can be used for more than airfare. Understanding how the Aeroplan program works will help you maximize the value of your points. Jump to ...
之前的《免费获得不少于105500 Aeroplan points,足够你往返中国到加拿大一次》,里面任何一款 Aeroplan 的联名信用卡开卡奖励,都可以算作 Aeroplan Altitude的常旅客计划里的累计 Miles。比如你同时申请了 CIBC , TD Canada Trust, American Express 三张信用卡,并且都完成了开卡奖励,那么你马上可以累计 50000+ 的 Aeropl...
加拿大航空(Air Canada)推出了一项新优惠活动,可在2023年7月12日之前购买里程(或称为积分),并享受奖励优惠。 加拿大航空的常旅客-Aeroplan会员现在可以以高达75%的奖励购买里程,在随后的两次销售期间额外获得15%的折扣。 加拿大航空Aeroplan会员在一个日历年内最多可以购买100万英里(不含任何可能的奖金)。