Cycletest-servicechamber(Section17) Elevatedtemperaturecycletest-parkingandservicechambers(Section18) Vibrationtest(Section19.1) 1.2TestSequenceChart—Thetestsequenceaschartedinthe“TestSequenceChart”shallbemandatory(see Figure1). 1.3Purpose—Thisdocumentprovidesuniformproceduresandmethodsforlaboratorytestingofbrakeact...
Test Procedure Power Spring Preset—Parking Brake Fully cage the power spring in the parking chamber either pneumatically or mechanically as specified by the manufacturer. Maintain the power spring in the caged position for 24 h minimum. Release the power spring to a full stroke position after the...
Air brake test equipment佐藤 益男
Air brake test - To operate vehicles equipped with air brakes on a highway you must have a B.C. driver’s licence with an air brake endorsement.
Lighting system rear end lighting, side lighting, Brake lighting and fog lighting wave-broof plate No 5 Equipment 1,Fire extinguisher box is big enough to set 2kg fire extinguisher. The two boxes are fixed on the left and right side of the tank. 2,Fender:...
A testing device for conducting the Initial Terminal Inspection of the air brake system of a made-up train includes a first valve assembly for at least charging and applying the brakes through the test device operable from the location at which the device is coupled between the train brake pipe...
QYZ-2 model air braking system test bench General introduction: This air braking system test bench is used mainly for testing performance of air compressor, master valve, air chamber, quick release valve and four-circuit valve in brake system of high, medium and low mod...
Start with the car on level ground, engine off with the transmission is park and the emergency brake set. Wear safety goggles and gloves for protection. Okay, now that you are ready let's approach this problem like a mechanic would.
篇名 The Study of the Auto Disk Brake Air Test 来源期刊 国际设备工程与管理:英文版 学科 交通运输 关键词 盘式制动器 自动控制系统 测试汽车优化设计 开发工具 应用程序 检测系统 年,卷(期) 2012,(3) 所属期刊栏目 研究方向 页码范围 169-172 页数 4页 分类号 TP273|U463.512 字数 语种 英文 DOI...
The available scenarios also allow the analysis of the additivity property, by comparing the sum of emission reductions (50%) applied separately called “ADD” (\(\sum_{m}{APL}_{50\%,m}\)) with the combined reduction of precursor emissions called “ALL”. Here, we test this property on...