Air admittance valves (AAVs) for use in sanitary plumbing and drainage systemsStandards Australia
When a plumbing fixture is operated, negative pressure causes the AAV to open, allowing air to enter and equalize the pressure in the system. When the flow stops, gravity closes the valve preventing sewer gas from escaping through the valve into the building. ...
Plumbing adaptor for air admittance valvedoi:USD522616 S1Minnick, Michael WSchindley, Michael EUSUSD522616 * Nov 2, 2004 Jun 6, 2006 Oatey Co. Plumbing adaptor for air admittance valve
PLUMBING Time to vent: Air admittance valve a valueED DEL GRANDE
Air admittance valves (AAVs) for use in sanitary plumbing and drainage systemsdoi:AS/NZS 4936:2002本标准规定了进气阀的要求和试验方法,包括与固定装置存水弯集成的进气阀.