2. 起始进近航段(IAF ~ IF/FAF) 起始进近航段指的是起始进近定位点到中间进近定位点(Intermediate Fix, IF)或者最后进近定位点(Final Approach Fix, FAF)的航段,在这个航段上飞机将会降低高度,沿着进近航路飞行并对准跑道。由于这时飞机速度比较快,过大的转弯会使飞机偏离预定的航迹并且无法修正,因此必须控制好转弯...
After you have installed the second or final instance of the RMS connector, define a connector URL server name and configure a load-balancing system.The connector URL server name can be any name under a namespace that you control. For example, you could create an entry in your DNS syste...
2. 起始进近航段(IAF ~ IF/FAF) 起始进近航段指的是起始进近定位点到中间进近定位点(Intermediate Fix, IF)或者最后进近定位点(Final Approach Fix, FAF)的航段,在这个航段上飞机将会降低高度,沿着进近航路飞行并对准跑道。由于这时飞机速度比较快,过大的转弯会使飞机偏离预定的航迹并且无法修正,因此必须控制好转弯...
2019级、2018级全体学生于2020年1月7日(星期二)期末考试结束,1月8日(星期三)正式放假。 Grade 10 and Grade 11 students will be taking their final examination on 6th and 7th January. Holiday will be starting on 8th January, 2020. 2017级全体学生于2020年1月15日(星期三)结课,1月16日(星期四)起...
the philosophy of the rules and regulations in the early stages, and can clarify the key points of the design that need to be cleared in order to obtain the final approval of the drawings. Therefore, it is a practical scheme for efficiently performing design work to achieve final plan ...
Class Noticemeans the COURT APPROVED NOTICE OF CLASS ACTION SETTLEMENT AND HEARING DATE FOR FINAL COURT APPROVAL, to be mailed to Class Members in English in the form, without material variation, attached as Exhibit A and incorporated by reference into this Agreement. ...
The final decision about cherry-picking is made by the release manager. Marking issues with a milestone is a bit different. Maintainers do not mark issues with a milestone usually, normally they are only marked in PRs. If PR linked to the issue (and "fixing it") gets merged and released...
The final decision about cherry-picking is made by the release manager. Marking issues with a milestone is a bit different. Maintainers do not mark issues with a milestone usually, normally they are only marked in PRs. If PR linked to the issue (and "fixing it") gets merged and released...
The mean final height was higher in the AIPmut somatotropinoma subgroup (187.2±18.4 vs 177.2±19.6cm; p<0.001). AIPmut male patients ended up taller than AIPneg males (193.0±17.7 vs 183.0±23.1cm; p=0.002); similarly, AIPmut female patients were taller than AIPneg ones (175.5±13.0 ...
Individuare le impostazioni dei criteri dopo le etichette nella sezione Configure settings to display and apply on Information Protection end users (Configurare le impostazioni da visualizzare e applicare per gli utenti finali di Information Protection). Prendere nota dell'attuale configurazio...