Feb 7 09:02:58 sensor user.warn kernel: cs5536_gpio_baseaddr f000 Feb 7 09:02:58 sensor user.debug kernel: scx200_acb: NatSemi SCx200 ACCESS.bus Driver Feb 7 09:02:58 sensor user.debug kernel: i2c-dev.o: Registered 'SCx200 ACB0' as minor 0 Feb 7 09:03:00 sensor user.debug...
Windows kernel-mode driver emulating well-known USB game controllers. - ViGEmBus/setup/ViGEmBus.aip at c3d0ee72833413e0640c5870ea391cf6c2007af8 · nefarius/ViGEmBus
K,LERK2 knockdown impeded the TNFAIP2 overexpression-induced tube formation of HUVECs. Representative images are shown. Scale bar, 200 μm, in the histogram, the bars represent the mean ± SD (n = 3), *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01 and ***P < 0.001; ns not signific...