《AIO-Switch-Updater》是一款为switch主机打造的自动升级工具,你可以使用它来升级switch主机的cfw自制系统、系统固件、金手指等,让你可以更加简易的管理你的switch主机,从而省去各种麻烦的软件安装。 AIO-Switch-Updater使用教程 1.下载并解压,将aio-switch-updater.nro放进TF卡的switch文件夹。
Update your CFW, cheat codes, firmwares and more directly from your Nintendo Switch! - HamletDuFromage/aio-switch-updater
Update your CFW, cheat codes, firmwares and more directly from your Nintendo Switch! - Releases · HamletDuFromage/aio-switch-updater
aio-switch-updater https://wwi.lanzoui.com/i7g5zt4bijg 密码:aah6 在相册打开(HOMEBREW)。 会有几秒钟的黑屏加载时间,是正常现象。 该软件全部是中文版。具体功能自己查看即可 无线网络传输小文件FTPD 连接wifi,或者手机热点后,打开ftpd,会出现下面这个。 记住这两个。 打开ES文件管理器(安卓软件!链接:http...
I was just wondering if you could suggest the best way to switch over to the HC-1 when the time comes. Is it possible to keep the data on the harddrive and just install it in the HC-1? Or would it be better to transfer everything temporarily to another drive and then when the HC...
《AIO-Switch-Updater》是一款为switch主机打造的自动升级工具,你可以使用它来升级switch主机的cfw自制系统、系统固件、金手指等,让你可以更加简易的管理你的switch主机,从而省去各种麻烦的软件安装。 AIO-Switch-Updater使用教程 1.下载并解压,将aio-switch-updater.nro放进TF卡的switch文件夹。
After updating atmosphere, after restarting the switch. payload.bin.aio wont be rename to payload.bin which is why it is not booting. The only workaround is press + when prompted and restart the switch manually. Tested it on firmware 17.0.0
Update your CFW, cheat codes, firmwares and more directly from your Nintendo Switch! - Issues · HamletDuFromage/aio-switch-updater
Wiki Security Insights Additional navigation options Files fd2f17b SaltySD atmosphere bootloader config aio-switch-updater .aio-switch-updater custom_packs.json hide_tabs.json preserve.txt status-monitor sys-clk sys-patch tesla ultrahand Tuner.ini ...