AiOs are generally pretty good in terms of thermal performance overall. If you are rocking abudget CPUcooler such as a Cooler Master Hyper 212, you might benefit quite significantly by switching over to a 240mm AiO cooler. This is, of course, subject to the demands of your CPU and whethe...
Deepcools idea behind the high-density water micro-channel, is that every last drop of liquid inside the cooler will be able to absorb and dissipate heat efficiently. Couple that with their anti-explosion rubber tubing, and theyre promising you that the safety and stability of the self-governe...
T Cryorig H7 Cooler in Supermicro Server (Now Updated with Photos and Information!! 5-12-2021) Temereen64 Dec 30, 2020 Will it FreeNAS? - FreeNAS Build Discussion Replies 3 Views 2K Jun 7, 2021 kellywest K Share: Facebook Twitter Reddit Pinterest Tumblr WhatsApp Email Link Forums...
滄者極限也收到了 ASUS ROG Strix LC 240 RGB White Edition白色神龍水冷散熱器來做各項壓力測試並與 Thermalright Frozen Eye 360 (360一體式水冷) & Cooler Master Nepton 280L (280一體式水冷),Thermalright Silver Arrow IB-E (空冷雙風扇) & Thermalright True Copper (空...