1. "Aims" is a noun in English that refers to "goals," "purposes," "objectives," or "intentions."2. In our daily lives, both individuals and organizations need to set their own aims to better clarify their direction, plans, and actions.3. For example, an individual may ai...
When reading, a person needs to clearly define a theme or subject and set up detailed objectives. Then he can select his books. He needs to use different methods to internalize concepts or develop abilities and, in the end, achieve practical values. 首先,读书是为了获得他人的二手经验,...
Objectives •Actionstogetthere•Objectivesarestatementsofconcreteattainmentsthatcanbeachievedbyfollowingacertainnumberofsteps.Thedistinctionbetweenaimsandobjectives •Learnhowtoanalyzeatestwithstructureandgetthemainmeaning.•Getthedeepmeaningofthistext.•Learnthepositiveemotionofthistext.•Cultivatethereading...
For Virtue, Achievement and Words 导言:读书三义 Introduction: Three Aims in Reading 读书:方法、意义、目标 Reading: Method, Meaning and Goals 读书学习始于诵读。后来,阅读量大了,人们可以直接把文字符号和意义联系起来;读书时,直接理解意义,就不太需要加入字句的声音。诵读或者朗读就发展为一种特殊的学习方法...
Answer to: What are the objectives and aims of the law of equity-marginal utility? By signing up, you'll get thousands of step-by-step solutions to...
[translate] aProject Aims and Objectives[translate] aProject aims are a statement of the overall “Why” of the project. A project aim is a statement starting with the words: “The aim of this project is…”[translate]
Thus, students can tell at a glance whether the question they have attempted has been validated by previous use and if so, what levels of difficulty and discrimination it presented. An item analysis, when given, is indicative of valid testing in relation to the objectives on which the ...
Educational ObjectivesEducational PhilosophyBehavioral ObjectivesEducational AttitudesIndividual DevelopmentThe dominant model of curriculum design in the last century assumed that school education could be organized around aims, defined primarily in terms of students' behaviour. The credentials of this model ...
MICHAEL MORELL: When we think about when we think about China's objectives in providing development finance. What are those? And are there any differences between their objectives in providing those loans and providing aid? BRAD PARKS: Yeah, there sure are. So when they are providing aid, the...
What is the meaning of teaching aims and objectives in biology teaching? Not any clear and precise definitions about them have been made to some conclusions. 生物学教学中的教学目标和教学目的的内涵在以往的教学中没有统一明确的定义,造成一定的混乱和差异。 2. The author states the emergence of tr...