The first in this series is the American Invitational Mathematics Exam (AIME), followed by the USA Mathematical Olympiad and Junior Mathematical Olympiad (USAMO and USAJMO). Download the AIME problems and solutions below: 2001: AIME I - Problems | Solutions AIME II - Problems | Solutions ...
每一道题的答案都是从 0 到 999 的一个数,而且题目都出得非常精妙,推荐题主参加;下面是历年的题和答案: ✨简介: AoPSOnline 历年真题网站真的是AMC考生们的神仙宝藏网站,不仅真题覆盖十分全面,包含AMC8/10/12、AIME、USAMO的真题,而且每道题都有对应的解析,超链接全面覆盖,点击...
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AIME Problems 9In triangle ABC AB 13 BC 15 and CA 17 Point D is on AB E is on BC and F is on CA Let AD p AB BE q BC and CF r CA where p q and r are positive and satisfy p q r 2 3 and p2 q2 r2 2 5 The ratio of the area of triangle DEF to the area of ...
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integersasmnmandpositivedigitsprime AIMEProblems2020 –I –March11,2020 1InABCwithAB=AC,pointDliesstrictlybetweenAandConsideAC,andpointElies strictlybetweenAandBonsideABsuchthatAE=ED=DB=BC.Thedegreemeasure of∠ABCis m n ,wheremandnarerelativelyprimepositiveintegers.Findm+n. 2Thereisauniquepositivere...
AIME-I-十年真题(附答案).doc,Problem 1 Call a -digit number geometric if it has distinct digits which, when read from left to right, form a geometric sequence. Find the difference between the largest and smallest geometric numbers. Problem 2 There is a co